I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned it, but these great bags are called Cosmo Bags.
I bought Style Stitches book by Amy Butler. The Cosmo Bag is the first one in the book. I love giving this bag so much, I haven't moved on to any of the other fabulous bag patterns.
I made one for my dear friend Nicole aka the worlds best hugger. She got hurt shortly after I gave her this and has been hanging it around her neck to carry things while using her crutches. I'm glad it is pretty and useful!
Everyone I have given them to uses them for a different purpose. One friend uses hers for her workout clothes, one for knitting, one for sleepovers. (Grown women still have sleep overs, right?)
I made one for my mom.
The funnest part is selecting the fabric that I think my friends/family will love. I'm sure I will be making more in the future. Don't worry, I'll post pictures.
Have a great weekend.