Friday, October 3, 2014

Simply Living

While visiting family in Oregon I was struck by the simplicity of small town life.  I used to live this life and forgot how different it is from the life I live now.We left this small town for the promise of a brighter future in California.  Now, let me say, I know God lead us to California and our life as a family was forever changed for the better by that move.  It was not easy as we left my family and loved ones.  But I know for us, we were meant to leave and forge a new life in a new culture.

The hustle and bustle of the Bay Area in California is certainly a different pace from small town USA.  There are so many things I love about living in the Bay; the mild weather, beautiful scenery, cultural events, all the excitement living near San Francisco brings. You can easily find fresh local produce, organic and hormone free food, amazing restaurants.  There is a continual barrage of things to do.  But with this came the need to take all of this in.  Make it part of our lives. With so many things available to us, we can't possibly ever do everything because our lives have become so busy.  There are so many things to care about; education, business, work, health, exercise, kids activities, sports, spiritual life, giving, helping others.  Just the larger volume of people to see and be friends with and events to partake in just make my life feel like it is busting at the seams.  It is beautiful and full of adventure, but sometimes I get soooo busy, I forget how wonderful it all is.

When I return to this small town of 10,000 people, the place where three of my children were born, I remember the good things.  Days of leisure, 5 minute drives to get to anywhere in town, driving through the countryside, the big sky, the whole town coming out for football games or firework shows. A sense of community and belonging. And time...time to connect, time to sit without distraction, to visit with loved ones.

I want to take this simple living lifestyle, peel away the habit I have learned to have to "do" something all the time and insert it into the beautiful life I have here.  It will take practice and actually some discipline.  I will learn to say no to some things in order to fully experience the things I say yes to.

Living simply is a choice and not a location! 



Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Craftivism Day for We Are Kenya

Hi there crafty people and do-gooders!

It has been almost a year since I have had a craftivism day and I sure do miss it.  When I can do something I am passionate about to show love to someone else, I feel full, joy and purposeful.

These small acts are done with the great hope that it will make a difference in one persons life.   I love to think about the small child that will hold the bear or wear the dress that I have made and my hope is they will know that someone somewhere cares about them.

Here are a few things we have done in the past for Craftivism Day:

We got together here to make bibs for babies in China,  Christmas Stockings for tornado victims in Alabama.

We  have made Birthing Kits for mothers in Haiti and  Pillow Case Dresses for girls in Africa.

This time we will join with Crafthope to make some handmade teddy bears.  The non-profit organization We Are Kenya has opened up a new dorm for orphans in Soweto Kenya.  Soweta is the second largest slum in Kenya.  We Are Kenya believes that changing the future of the youth will change a society.  They work in Soweta, bringing food, education and shelter to the orphans and children living in vulnerable situations.   They have asked for a few things for their new dorm.  They need twin sized quilts, stuffed animals, knitted beanies and scarfs and re-usable sanitary napkins.

Photo from Crafthope

We will make stuffed bears.  If you don't sew, or don't think you are crafty and can't do this, never fear.  This is a really easy project. Besides, there is always something for everyone to do, even if it is just hanging out with friends and cheering us on.

I found this great Free pattern for a stuffed teddy.  His name is Warren the Charity Bear.  I found him on Shiny Happy World.

Photo from Shiny Happy World

We will gather in my home on October 19th at 1:00 to make as many Charity Bears as we can in one afternoon.  If you have a sewing machine, please bring it.  If you would like to join us, please let me know.  Also, feel free to pass this on to anyone you think would be interested in joining us.

Hope to see you soon!

